Left field electronic music meets mysticism with Semantica Records’ 10th edition of their various artists’ tarot-themed compilation series. The most recent compilation, “La Luna,” is the tenth of the twelve releases to be released in this series. Once all twelve have been released, this magnificent and substantial collection of tunes is going to perform a grand and unexpected magic trick; it will all disappear.
To celebrate 15 years of exceptional releases and success, Madrid’s Semantica Records has been releasing a various artists compilation each month since February of this year. Each compilation is made exclusively available on the label’s Bandcamp. The artwork and concept around these releases revolve around a specific tarot card, and features ten tracks from many noteworthy artists from their roster, including works from prolific techno producers like Surgeon, Donato Dozzy, Oscar Mulero, Silent Servant and Etapp Kyle, to name a few.
The most recent compilation, “La Luna,” is the tenth of the twelve releases to be released in this series. Once all twelve have been released, this magnificent and substantial collection of tunes is going to perform a grand and unexpected magic trick; it will all disappear. You read that right. At the bottom of each description of the releases on bandcamp, is an “important” disclaimer; “All cards are temporary and will be removed from the table at the end of the reading.” That’s right folks, in approximately two months from the time this review is published, all twelve of these Tarot-themed assemblages will up and vanish. I guess we better start digging.
Starting things off is the wonderfully irregular techno track, “Fyren,” from Swedish producer, SSTROM. Pulses of white noise gently fill the space, while a meaty kick sets the pace. A medley of synchronized tones rises in unison, swelling into an epic crescendo. After a thoroughly engaging build up, the beat drops and brings an unexpected change to the lead melody’s pitch and pattern. A large swoosh sound emerges every second beat, seemingly dispersing the notes of the main melody out of uniformity, like fish moving back after being swiped at while feeding, only to frantically rush back to their irresistible meal.
The second track, “No Knowledge of Sorrow or Regret,” by Semantica veteran, Varg, is simply beautiful and serene. Lush pads and a muted, syncopated kick loop, immediately transport you to a better place. This track is a raver’s lullaby, a purely nostalgic and dreamy take on techno that might be best appreciated late at night, while stargazing.
Part of what makes this release so enthralling is its variety. Indigo Kennedy’s “Cloudless,” diverges into the realm of the experimental with its loose and unpredictable groove, and Cio D’Or’s “Now is Ever,” explores an ambient, yet menacing atmosphere. Though you are likely very relaxed and at ease at this point of the release, not all of these tracks are suitable for recovery and deep sleep. Yves De Mey injects some grit and grime with the electrical feedback-based track, “Double Slit,” while Grischa Lichtenberger really mixes things up with odd time signatures and choppy textural beats used in his strikingly unorthodox contribution, “ATM.” As a whole, this release manages to be explorative and nonconforming, yet loosely unified around an overarching nighttime sonic aesthetic that can be equally enjoyed in good company, or in complete isolation.
Beyond the great tracks that make up this compilation, Semantica’s tarot series as a whole is a fun and innovative concept that challenges the status quo and offers something new. The curation of this music around tarot cards and the fortunes they predict, helps to flesh out different moods and unite some of the label’s best works from the last 15 years, all the while introducing us to music from their arsenal, some of which may otherwise have been too deep in the weeds for new listeners to discover. The future looks bright for Semantica Records, and with releases like these, they are most certainly destined for success. Support the artists and label with a digital download of these compilations, while you still can, via the Bandcamp page linked above.
-Jeronimo Watson
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