David Natochen, aka Chontane, delivers rumbling Techno stylings with swift precision on his latest release “Sycamore”. Dropping on Stuttgart’s Mutual Rytm label, the Berlin native makes it clear why his divergent take on Techno and Electronic production is catching ears around the globe.
Spearheaded by the enigmatic SHDW and Obscure Shape, Mutual Rytm has been on a tear recently, pushing out six solid releases since February. Hitting a plethora of genre tiers, Chontane blends Jungle, Techno, Idm, Electro, and anything in between to an exquisite degree across this “Sycamore” release.
Right off the bat, Chontane seems to direct his energy towards a more rip-roaring, warehouse-forward Techno vibe—your standard Techno blueprints, consisting of driving kicks and percussion rhythms for that four-to-the-floor pump. The starter track, “Preserved,” follows the formula to a T and makes for a promising journey sure to catch dancers this winter. Chontane chooses a hypnotic barrage for the second tune, “Arakis”. Chiming bells and clever bass patterns lace the background while echoes reverberate in the foreground. The tracks on “Sycamore” hide under the guise of straightforward Techno, but if you give it time, an esoteric extension is reached where the melodies and ideas shine through the clouds brightly.
“Laboe,” the album’s fourth track, opts for a groovy, jungle-esque jam with great pacing and cadence. Radiating kicks and bassline hit a stride early on and never stop grooving. Enticing chords are warped in and out towards the end of the track and have eerie, acid-trip-gone-awry notes. To end the release, Chontane comes correct with a house-inspired circus ride dubbed “In Roots”. There are quasi-acid stabs and hollow drums, similar to a pan drum or bongo, strewn intelligently throughout the track—definitely an old school feel to it with its progressive nature and melodic successions.
Chontane’s release on Mutual Rytm, “Sycamore,” is an entertaining and focused effort of brighter Techno. The ability to utilize cheeky techniques and combine them with a tried-and-true Techno methodology should be applauded. If you would like to purchase this release and support the artist, please visit at the Bandcamp link provided above.
-Jack Plumb
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