KLBR – “Pulse Tribe” EP (Unrilis) [December 27, 2024]

It’s been cited in the liner notes of this release that this “Pulse Tribe” EP is something of a continuation from the late founder of Unrilis, Rino Cerrone’s sound, and where he would have liked to take the label. KLBR does that with justice and honor on this release. KBLR has a voice of his own as well, and it so happens that this match-up is a particularly favorable one for both artist and label. 

What’s striking about the release, is that among the other tracks topping out this week at 140-147BPM. KLBR is out there too, rolling around 140 with everyone else but still making things sound fun, energetic, and funky while delivering some of his signature percussive programming and sampling.

“Devotion” strikes you right off the bat with syncopated percussion chops leading up to the backbeat and swirling around the kick in a very nice sort of way, while the top parts make a sort of cross-rhythm over the top giving a very Amazonian organic jungle vibe. This idea is repeated in “Pulse Tribe” with more forward-swung synth hits, big vocal dub hits, and very festive Batucada fills which are honestly just a joy to listen and swing your body in time to. 

“Glow Clan” kicks it up a notch with a brighter, more in-your-face mix featuring tasty compression, synth hits, and fills that sit panned, wide, and blended with the rides/overheads right on your shoulders as the strong central kick and rhythm entices you to dance with them.

This EP is just a jam start to finish; a really great EP of bangers that’re full of heart and groove and are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. 

KLBR put forward a strong face and some heavy hitters in 2024, but it’s clear he’s got some more tricks up his sleeve, and a lot of great music on the horizon.

-Sean Ocean

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