Dirty Epic welcomes aboard John Templeton for its thirty eighth episode of Amplify Series. An uncompromising selector and accomplished technician behind...
John Templeton
Synthetik Minds, WORK by 6AM and Dirty Epic Productions collaborate to bring Field Records’ 10 Year Anniversary Tour: Unlike alternate...
Recondite makes his Los Angeles debut with Dirty Epic. It has been over a year since he last played for us and we thought of no better way to end the summer. Accompanying the Berlin producer will be :LA’s own Raíz and Denver’s John Templeton, with Max Jack handling opening...
Dirty Epic presents: Klockworks Label Night an Official Movement Afterparty Line-up / Ben KlockDVS1Recondite (live)Patrice ScottAaron ClarkJohn TempletonDelicJay Zoney (live)JGarrett (live)CK Facebook Event...