1936 and 1945? 19th Century? It seems Champas would be playing around with dates or rather pushing for a new world order. He does push the boundaries of dark techno with daring energy in this his new EP.
1945 starts with a scratching metal cutting sound mixed with electro shocks to move into to kicks that speed your breathing, fiery mood with edgy razor blades that culminates with a sense of joy and victory. 1936 starts as a bouncing ball in your brain that pauses up momentarily to end up with the same power it started. The remixes do add robust stronger drum kicks and streching synths with tenebrous mood, Sub Imperium a more industrial with plethora of joy flicker T Y & Hatelove, more bounding glimmer of cataclismic synths with background wails, the tempo breaks out and brings some experimental sense. 2+2=5 starts more classic drums and quickly moves in more cinematic scenes changin kicks here and there to add stricking effect.
A very complete dose of visceral techno with a touch of poetic delicacy fit for any warehouse.
-Fern Mart