After a long hiatus, Observe returns to Denver for an all night affair in a warehouse. Expect a night full...
Dirty Epic events happening in Denver
Dirty Epic teams up with Tekunomama to bring UK techno artist, Perc to Denver. Venue: TBA Strictly 21+ No Refunds:...
The Berghain mainstay, Answer Code Request makes his way to Mile High City for the very first time. Plus DE boss’s Andrew S. does a rare dj set in celebration of his birthday as well as Denver’s Robonix on support. You must request the ticket link on the FB event...
Line-up / DrumcellTruncateLuis FloresInhabitantsOktaform Resident Advisor Facebook Event Check out our other events here....
Dirty Epic and Nocturnal team up for their first collab ever to bring Function back to Mile HighLineup:FunctionAutonomous SystemsJessica Lyn21+...
Dirty Epic returns to our other home, Denver, with a party celebrating the seminal techno label- Downwards. Denver debuts of Regis, Karl Meier and the very special US debut of House of God’s Terry Donovan (Birmingham) will be accompanied by a vinyl treatment from one of our favourite DJs in...
Dirty Epic returns to Denver with Anthology and the legendary SPEEDY J. Paul Fleetwood and DE’s Andrew S. to open...