A long-term love affair with intelligent, hypnotic and ecstatic shades of House and Techno led to his first releases in...
Dirty Epic
Lucy’s Stroboscopic Artefacts crew take the party into Tuesday morning for real hardcore heads. Presented by Dirty Epic. Line-up /...
Incognito and Dirty Epic team up again to bring you another night of stellar techno. Line-up / Kyle GeigerDrumcellRam SampathSean Sanchez Resident Advisor Facebook Event Check out our other events here....
47 Label boss, Tommy Four Seven returns to Los Angeles after many years. Line-up / Tommy Four Seven, Gerard Not Gerald aka Franco...
Incognito and Dirty Epic team up once again to bring you another LA debut and Berghain Resident. Line-up / Answer...
This Saturday we go on an exhilarating sonic journey through the deep, dark recesses of Brooklyn and into a bunker containing only the most fervent techno obsessed freaks of the city. At the helm: 6 hours with Berghain mainstay Answer Code Request, who has proven more than worthy with stellar...
bl__k st___k s_r__s returns (Dirty Epic Productions / Droid Recordings) Line-up / RroseJock ClubRaizAndrew S. Resident Advisor Facebook Event Check out our...
24 hours of Techno. This is a test of attrition. Line-up / The Gods PlanetXhinClaudio PRCNessSubversiveDimi AngelisAurora HalalMary YuzovskayaShadiAuspexZach Lopresti...
Dirty Epic and Incognito team up once again to bring you an all night affair with the Ostgut Ton and Berghain resident. Line-up / Marcel FenglerAndrew S.Gerard Not Gerald Resident Advisor Facebook Event Check out our other events here....
Dirty Epic returns to Detroit for our 4th installment of Anthology at the works. This year, like in years past,...
From the collaboration that brought you the LA Debuts of CIO D’OR, SLAM, AGORIA, MAX COOPER Live, REBEKAH and more,...
Every DJ chosen to play at No Way Back is a master of their medium, so deep in it that they all serve as constant inspirations. This is a celebration of the lost art of the late night Midwestern DJ. If you don’t understand the touchstones of this party, it...