Colombia’s best kept secret, Sons of Hidden and Serge André, combine the South American ethic of groove with the contemporary...
Dirty Epic’s Music Recommendations
After a 20-year career, the Chilean-born, Belgian-based Ramon Tapia makes his first appearance on Rotterdam Techno mainstay Planet Rhythm with...
Munich-based Toobris pushes a fast-paced, funky take on late 90s Minimal Techno that’s fun and ultimately very danceable with his “Headstart” EP off Shimmer Records’ sub-label, Liquid One. Late last year, Toobris was pushing a sparse sound dominated by the typical gritty atmospheres held strong within Techno to date. But...
The Dekmantel label has long been a beacon for cutting-edge electronic music, consistently curating releases that push the boundaries of...
Heliosphere is back with a new EP, “Pleiades”, on prominent Phoenix-based label EvilGroove, owned by Lindsey Herbert and PLEASURES. Heliosphere...
French-born, Berlin resident Quelza returns to the Hayes Collective imprint with an EP of unique sound design, storytelling, and personal reflections in “La Danse De L’Albatros”. Similar to the review we did with Temudo, there seems to be a thematic vision, yet there’s a lot left to be said or...
Demuja’s latest Bring Back Love EP is a groove-infused masterpiece. Demuja, the Austrian producer known for his deep and soulful...
Setaoc Mass has demonstrated with this release that he’s not just about his signature warm kicks, or powerful dark atmospheres....
Deep, maliciously introspective, and tumultuously catchy. LA’s Conundrum Records returns with “Subterranean” EP for an action packed release from Amsterdam legend, Hitam, who delivers four tactful and tastefully dark originals alongside a stunning remix from one of Techno’s long standing underground heroes, Rene Wise. Conundrum Records, while relatively new on...
Tensal leads the pack with three stripped back and tastefully gritty, Industrial-flavored tracks on Belgian imprint, DOMU. As a man...
After a nearly 2-year long hiatus, Insical is back with his long awaited 3rd release from CMND | CTRL records...
Chris Liebing, of CLR Records “Create Learn Realize/Repeat,” has been a fixture in the Techno scene for decades. Ahead of his set at RE/FORM this September 21st, we wanted to get a clearer picture of where Chris is at in his career and where CLR is heading in the future....