Music for a clash of clans after a devastating global extermination event, Emerald’s VA Essential Memories EP featuring the label’s...
Dirty Epic’s Music Recommendations
Following the brilliant introductory release from Detroit’s HLX-1 in May, Seclusion’s label heads Damien Lapéna and Amouar Hemissi, members of...
We are thrilled to present our music blog’s 21 picks of 2021. This year’s music output was incredibly diverse – we saw many releases from smaller, more underground labels. There was an uptick in more international Arab and South Asian-inspired sounds. The line between nostalgia and futurism got increasingly blurred....
We excitedly present our music blog’s 22 picks of 2022. From Techno and House to everything in between, our team...
The Valencia-based record label Sungate returns in 2023 with a masterful EP from French producer 23.4 titled “Eager To Learn”....
For acid techno fans, we can instantly recognize the signature squelches and chirps attributed to the TB-Roland 303, a bass line synthesizer minted in the 1980s that failed commercially in its intended purpose as a bass guitar substitute. Its popularity surged when its new adaptation in dance music, popularized by...
Passionate Analog and Techno enthusiasts, Jelani Yorker aka 92Jelani and Pat Owen aka Tap Newo have hit their stride on...
Slovenian producer Luka Grgic aka ‘A Humanoid Individual’ outputs a deeply minimal and trippy EP for St. Louis based label...
Tough pulsating beats meets psychedelic synthesis on “Mazes & Monoliths”, A Sagittariun’s radiant new EP and debut on Radio Slave’s distinguished Rekids imprint. “Inner Frontier” starts the EP off with noisy off-kilter cymbal work and an atmospheric swirling synth melody taking center stage, providing turbulent dance floor tension before sweeping...
UK techno producer A Sagittariun delivers “Strange Brew” EP for a mind-bending follow up to his 2021 “Mazes & Monoliths”...
A Thousand Details returns to Hayes Collective with the “Unrestful Mind” EP. Featuring four tracks on vinyl and an additional...
The Lizard King EP by A.MorganThe Lizard King EP by A.Morgan A.Morgan continues to be a leading light in the Techno scene and this “The Lizard King” EP on BlackAxon is no exception, featuring deep, dark, and hypnotic grooves with a signature sound design that’s all his own. A.Morgan has...