Do not overlook this magical EP by the mysterious alias of a well-known producer… Magic Overlooked by DJ AGITATEDMagic Overlooked...
Dirty Epic’s Music Recommendations
Dutch newcomer Floid bursts open the doors to other dimensions on his latest offering “Skudd”. His sophomore release for the...
Gary Beck releases a series of energetic and driving proper Techno cuts off SHDW’s Mutual Rytm imprint. Previously known for his main stage-focused Techno, he’s been having a great deal of success leading with a funkier, stripped-down sound that is once again evident here on “Upside Criminal”. Upside Criminal by...
Long-standing figureheads Regis and Surgeon reunite as British Murder Boys to release their first full length album, “Active Agents and...
The Southern returns for the second installment of the “Particle” EP series off CLR, coming correct with a pair of...
“Papertrip” features an absolutely crackin’ set of tracks that will set the dancefloor on fire. Watch out for Wallace. Papertrip by WallacePapertrip by Wallace After years of running club nights in Edinburgh, Wallace has since channeled his creative energy into a musical endeavor of his own. From an early age,...
Hayes Collective alum Nørbak teams up with Kr!z’ Token Records to release an EP full of dense and texturally rich...
Out now on Ilian Tape, “ISS010” is a masterclass in swing, syncopation, and percussion programmed to perfection from the masked...
Greece’s fastest-rising talent, ANNĒ carves her weight in marble with her latest offering. “Moon Lander” is a texturally saturated body mover that will leave you drunk on delight, marking her fiery third release on the iconic Soma Records. Moon Lander EP by ANNĒMoon Lander EP by ANNĒ Steadily forging a...
“SECV001” stands as a techno foundation, building on the 2023 Elyas “Triumph” EP release, the star-studded cast includes new remixes...
Rene Wise brings his signature stripped-back style to kick off his new label with a vinyl release titled “Moving Pressure...
Northern UK producer Hurdslenk brings a heavily grooving update to Ben Sims’ seminal imprint Hardgroove with “Outside” EP. Outside EP by HurdslenkOutside EP by Hurdslenk Hurdslenk has been something of a freshman producer, having only started out in 2021 with a few digital releases in 2023 and a slamming release...